For the most part our educational structure is not education, it is business; a finely-tuned business at that. Learning, you see, is absolutely free [or worthless, depending on which side of the 'check-out' counter you find yourself on]. At an early age children are bussed away from their mothers and fathers and sent to this place called "school". The mothers and fathers are lead to believe that this place is of benefit to their children, when it usually serves only as a detriment to their overall personal development. Children are forced to grow up through their most volatile and influential of years in this school system. During these years the child is then indoctrinated with the following concepts:
- Knowledge must be taught, or otherwise given by a figure of authority.
- The acquisition of knowledge is difficult, and thus is a painful process.
- Knowledge is worthless unless it has been paid for and comes with a receipt.
- The formation of opinion should be held in higher esteem than knowledge.
- Intelligence is defined by credentials, documents, or some other inanimate object given by the figure of authority.
- Intelligence must be evaluated on a standardized basis as determined by the figure of authority.
- Submission to authority is the only way to become intelligent.
- Submission to authority is the only way to become successful.
- Continued 'education' in a college or university setting is essential to become successful.
- Resistance to authority is the path of the damned.
What do you call a system of indoctrination that implants false concepts about science, history, and economics through endless sensory deprivation and trained mental dissociation from the desire to actually learn? Well I'm not too sure about you, but I'd say that is a pretty clear case of hypno-regressive mind control.
How might I know that? Well at one point I went through a research stint on mind control, its employment, its mechanisms, and more importantly the history behind its use on people. Turns out much of our current education system is quite akin the the methods of education employed with the Hitler Youth...which were entirely based on influencing the character of the child toward the benefit of the cause, aka mind-control. For an eye-opening trip down Google lane, try typing in "Monarch Slave Program" into your search engine sometime, I think you will be surprised to see just how far some viscous men are willing to go in order to ensure a child is, ahem, "reared properly". Oh, look into good ol' Dr. Green while you're at it too [you might know him as Joseph Mengele], as he had a major role in transferring the methods of the MSP into the public education system that we all subscribe to.
People are indoctrinated from the earliest possible age with the idea that learning is hard stuff. They are taught that learning on one's own time is a worthless endeavor, because no amount of self directed learning will ever offer them a diploma, certificate, or degree of any kind that they can then parade around and use as "proof" of how smart/valuable they are. Teens are taught that they are throwing their lives away unless they choose to go on to college, which is nothing more than an elaborate scheme for generating more and more profits through the ever-increasing debt margins of the Education System (don't know if you've heard, but college is expensive, dude). Even more astounding to me is that many people will forgo learning altogether because they can't afford to pay for these arbitrary 'degrees'.
Everyone is afraid of working for what they perceive to be nothing. Why should I go through all the trouble to learning Calc-II if I'm not even going to get credit for it? I mean, I can definitely afford to purchase the textbook that the teacher would inevitably end up reading to me, but if I can't afford to take the Calc-II course at a college where I'll receive transferable credit it's probably not gonna get learned, right?
In this fashion we as a country have given birth to a fear-based education paradigm. We have allowed for the formation of a monopoly over learning and knowledge. This is bullshit and it makes me sick. What is the difference between learning, knowledge, and education anyway? I find myself repulsed by how many people have been lead to think that these terms are quite alike, if not synonymous.
False. Incorrect. Wrong.
There is far too much fear wedded to the idea of learning, and far too much credence given to this ridiculous concept of 'education' that has been getting whored out to the masses for the last few centuries. Nobody speaks of learning anymore; they simply speak of 'education'. I often hear some phrase uttered to the flavor of, "I really need to get out of this line of work. I should get back to school and get a real education." Really, now? Real education you say?
Such 'education' is spoken of as nothing more than an object that one can simply go out and purchase. Odd, because most people seem to be under the assumption that by buying education they are also therefore buying knowledge. The Education System capitalizes on this faulty thinking quite well, I'd say.
What is this education gaining you? Debt? Stress? How about that mind numbing feeling of frustration you get after a few hours of intense study over a topic you couldn't care less about? Yea dude, that sounds pretty badass to me...
People have forgotten that education is supposed to be the conceptual vehicle of the learning process; to be the external balancing point of the internal learning phenomenon. Instead, our society has taken this beautiful idea of education and bent it over a garbage dumpster. There is a fine line between education and indoctrination. As a country we have adopted the latter as our standard, and subsequently a quick look at the demographic levels of intelligence around America will reveal just how outright stupid we actually are.
I am currently a full time student. I don't, however, go to school for anything that genuinely interests me. This is because it's pretty damn hard to find any schools that will teach the things I'm actually interested in at all, and those that do require years of build-up filler classes that zap my money, time, and motivation to continue on such learning pathways. I am a military veteran with some pretty cool education benefits, so I go to school as a job. It is my paycheck; my method of paying bills. That's it. Often I catch myself talking about it as if it is actually a job; using phrases like, "I'll call you when I get out of work tomorrow" instead of referring to it as 'going to school'. I focus almost entirely on the sciences and math with a fleeting hope that someday such classes will enliven me with more interesting content of a more complex nature. I tend to get A's, but this is insignificant because the idea of attributing a letter-based 'grade' to one's level of proficiency in any given topic is extremely asinine and arbitrary in my opinion; after all, learning takes place by making mistakes, mistakes that this current system of education penalizes to the extent of anxiety for many people. Such grades are only indicative of the level of bullshit I am willing to endure while 'at work'.
Often the content of the textbooks I study in my free time far exceeds the complexity of my meaningless community college classes; even to a point where they might actually be at odds. Remember, success in school is entirely dependent on how well disciplined one is at regurgitating the information put out by the authority. As such the grades a person receives in school are much less due to the level of intelligence that a person wields, and much more about the personal decision to simply dedicate the time required to memorize all the bullshit.
I rarely learn anything at school that I take to heart and use on a regular basis. In fact, I would argue that 95% of the information I train myself to regurgitate for good grades at school is absolutely worthless to life in general. I truly dislike the whole mess of it actually; it is perhaps the most sloppily thrown together lie ever told to the public, yet few people see why. I view time spent at school, and time spent conducting school-based operations and work, as wasted time. Most days I end up waking up for work, drudging through my day at work, working as hard as possible at my job so that I don't have to bring my work home with me, then gloriously returning home in the evening to embark on my true current learning objective.
Basically, I work all day at a school then try to squeeze all my learning into the time I have at home. I educate myself on my own time. What do I teach myself? Well, the thing's that I find of interest of course:
- Theoretical Physics
- Nutrition
- Metaphysics
- Exercise Physiology
- Gardening
- Alternative Energy
- Alternative Medicine
- Yoga
- Dream Manipulation/ Hypnotherapy
- Psychology/Philosophy
- Intention Manifestation
Weird, right? The list goes on I'm sure, but you get the idea.
What's all this research and writing I do about lifestyle and nutrition do for me? Where is my degree from spending the last decade or so of my life with my face buried in countless books and research papers?
Nowhere. The knowledge is a part of me, not on some ridiculous piece of paper barely fit to wipe my ass with. Yet this fear of not being recognized by the official establishment for one's learning permeates all, and is probably holding you back from your greater potential. Please understand that I am not disregarding the concept of maintaining credentials in a society full of con-artists. Obviously there is a large difference between a tested and evaluated doctor and an accomplished medical student. For this reason such documents and the like are still rather necessary at times. My point is to simply illuminate another elephant in the room: People en-masse are currently afraid to learn, and this fear is preyed upon by the opportunistic. Learning needs to be a lifelong commitment, in any and all forms regardless of whether or not a [receipt] diploma, degree, or certification is offered in exchange.
What are you interested in, and why haven't you begun to master it yet? You can continue to offer yourself the excuse of "I can't afford it" all you want, but the bottom line is that learning takes place within the mind of the individual and not in the exchange of imaginary borrowed money. Take responsibility for your desired interests, and stop pointing your finger out into the world around you as if you are powerless.
Is the fear of not being recognized for your labors holding you back from what you are meant to accomplish in this life? If so, rid yourself of such fear, for it is a plague to your very soul.
Update on my experiment that began about two weeks ago:
So far, so good. I spent the first week concentrating on only eating raw fruits and vegetables to encourage the detoxification process of removing excess rotting meat from my colon and intestines. This resulted in meals that, as mentioned last week, consisted of anywhere from 2-4 pounds of fruits and about a quarter pound of vegetation in order to attain satiety. This last week I reintroduced cooked vegetation into my diet, and have experienced a noticeable increase in the quality of my overall mood and temperament; indicating that my suspicion of a purely raw diet was indeed worth testing. I just returned home from 'work', for example, and prepared the following meal in a big bowl:
- A handful of spring mix
- Half of a cucumber, diced
- Half of a green bell pepper, diced
- A quarter of a red onion, diced
- One steamed head of broccoli
- Half a cup of cooked rice
- A small handful of chopped fresh basil on top
- Drizzled with the juice of a quarter lemon, and some e.v.o.o.
As far as seasonings go I used some sea salt, cracked black pepper, and crushed red pepper. Delicious, and only took 10 minutes to prepare---mostly due to waiting for the rice to finish cooking. Breakfast is still largely fruit based as I'm generally not all that hungry in the morning, and the convenience of the 'fast-food' option in my fridge is too great to ignore with my busy morning schedule. My weight hasn't changed much, usually anywhere from 157-165.
The addition of cooked foods back into the diet has also served to relieve a growing frustration in the house; for my amazing wife and I there is just something better about sitting down to a dinner of prepared delicious food than sitting down to a big-ass bowl of kiwi's or something. I have reached the conclusion that I am simply not going to go out of my way to eat animals anymore. However, if they find their way into my Pho soup or some other dish that I adore at a restaurant, so be it dude. I got better things to blow my cortisol on than stressing over whether or not my meals are perfectly "vegetarian", or whatever. The point is to find a lifestyle that is sustainable, promotes health, and is pleasurable, not to punish myself or get all worked up if a plate of food served to me contains animal flesh.
very good, dear, enjoyed this article. As a parent who did not feel that home schooling would work with my kids, I fully agree. Their dad and I could not wait till they were both done being forced to learn not all, but a lot of useless information. As parents we have not a whole lot of choice because of our countries education rules. Basically we both have taught ourselves everything we wind up using on a daily basis.